A long-lasting fragrance with wrap and exotic notes
A long-lasting fragrance with wrap and exotic notes
A long-lasting fragrance with wrap and exotic notes of Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, Patchouli and Indian Jasmine, mystical and meditative atmosphere typical of Indian temples.Spray at will on the mantle....
It makes stronger the internal structure of the hair by sealing the cuticle. The perfect product for the recovery and maintenance of the most demanding cloaks or stressed by exhibitions and competitions
It makes stronger the internal structure of the hair by sealing the cuticle. The perfect product for the recovery and maintenance of the most demanding cloaks or stressed by exhibitions and competitions
Ideal for long coats, suitable for all races and weaving, dog and cat.Keratin Liquid quaternized in high concentration.Restructuring, film-forming, conditioning.HOW TO USE: Spray evenly on the wet surface, then proceed to dry. For particularly demanding cloaks apply daily on dry hair as ...
The cleansing action of the shampoo and the detangling and softening one of the conditioner in a single product. A unique treatment to clean, moisturize, nourish and make the coat silky.
KEY INGREDIENTS: Argan Oil, Rice Bran Oil, hydrolyzed Rice proteins, Honey extract, Quaternized Keratin, Creatin...
The cleansing action of the shampoo and the detangling and softening one of the conditioner in a single product. A unique treatment to clean, moisturize, nourish and make the coat silky.
KEY INGREDIENTS: Argan Oil, Rice Bran Oil, hydrolyzed Rice proteins, Honey extract, Quaternized Keratin, Creatin...
The cleansing action of the shampoo and the detangling and softening one of the conditioner in a single product. A unique treatment to clean, moisturize, nourish and make the coat silky.
KEY INGREDIENTS: Argan Oil, Rice Bran Oil, hydrolyzed Rice proteins, Honey extract, Quaternized Keratin, Creatin...
Moisturizes and restores after sun, sea or chlorine
Moisturizes and restores after sun, sea or chlorine
Hydrating and refreshening shampoo specific for coats and skin exposed for long period to the sun, sea and chlorine. With Aloe Vera extract, Apricot milk, Hamamelis and Melon water, Quaternized Keratin, Creatine and Vitamins C+E+Panthenol.HOW TO USE: apply on wet hair, massage and rinse well. Fo...
Kifejezetten gyakori,otthoni használatra kifejlesztett sampon, mely alkalmas az összes fajtához, szőrtípushoz, mind a kutyák, mind a macskák esetében. A kvaternerizált keratin és a C+E+Panthenol vitamin komplex különleges kombinációjának köszönhetően, alaposan tisztítja a bőrt, szabályozza a faggyút...
All the depth and purity of ice embodied in a bottle.Sparkling notes of Icelandic Lichen, White Freesia and Cedarwood combined with the sophisticated essences of Ylang Ylang, Neroli and Lily of the Valley....
Speciális sampon mely, szőrlágyító hatás nélkül tisztít és megőrzi a szőrzet természetes struktúráját. A termék Kvaternizált keratin, C+E+Panthenol vitamin komplex, aloe vera, csalán és kereklevelű szalmagyopár természetes kivonatait tartalmazza. Alkalmas kutyák és macskák számára.
Fő összetevői: K...
Excellent dry shampoo with rice starch, argan oil and sesame oil for dogs and cats
Excellent dry shampoo with rice starch, argan oil and sesame oil for dogs and cats
CRYSTAL EASY DRY SHAMPOO does not color the hair, leaves no traces after use. Ideal for quick cleaning and refreshing of the fur if there is no possibility for bathing. Rice starch immediately removes dirt and excess sebum from the skin, leaving the hair dry and fragrant. Argan oil and sesame oil no...
Soft and soft foam, suitable for frequent use and for all types of coat, cleanses and perfumes the coat without using water and nourishes it in depth thanks to the Quaternized Keratin and the Vitamins C + E + Panthenol. The Moringa seed proteins protect the fur from smog, smoke and UV rays while Alo...
A sötét bunda színének elmélyítését és ragyogását fokozó sampon, kifejezetten fekete és sötét szőrzetű kutyák és macskák részére. A kvaternerizált keratin és a C+E+Panthenol vitamin, valamint a vörös szőlő és a gránátalma antioxidáns kivonata, megvédi a természetes színt a fakulástól. A rizsfehérje ...
Conditioner highly concentrated intensely to condition the sending facilitating the removal of the nodes
Conditioner highly concentrated intensely to condition the sending facilitating the removal of the nodes
TYPES OF HAIR: suitable for all hair types and ideal for all races. Do not use on fine and thin hair and the rough textures.KEY INGREDIENTS: hydrolyzed proteins of rice, Phytoceramids of sunflower seeds, Bamboo extracts and lotus flowers, quaternized Keratin, Creatine, Vitamins C + E + panthenol...
Csomóbontó és regeneráló kondicionáló mely ideális minden szőrtípushoz, különösen ajánlott sérült és kusza szőrzethez. Rizsfehérjével és napraforgómagból kivont növényi keramidokkal dúsítva, helyreállítja és kondicionálja a szőrt, valamint a bambusz és lótuszvirág természetes kivonata lágyító hatást...
Conditioner highly concentrated intensely to condition the sending facilitating the removal of the nodes
Conditioner highly concentrated intensely to condition the sending facilitating the removal of the nodes
TYPES OF HAIR: suitable for all hair types and ideal for all races. Do not use on fine and thin hair and the rough textures.KEY INGREDIENTS: hydrolyzed proteins of rice, Phytoceramids of sunflower seeds, Bamboo extracts and lotus flowers, quaternized Keratin, Creatine, Vitamins C + E + panthenol...
Conditioner highly concentrated intensely to condition the sending facilitating the removal of the nodes
Conditioner highly concentrated intensely to condition the sending facilitating the removal of the nodes
TYPES OF HAIR: suitable for all hair types and ideal for all races. Do not use on fine and thin hair and the rough textures.KEY INGREDIENTS: hydrolyzed proteins of rice, Phytoceramids of sunflower seeds, Bamboo extracts and lotus flowers, quaternized Keratin, Creatine, Vitamins C + E + panthenol...
Specific cleanser ideal to protect the ear tube of dogs and cats, specifically formulated with antiseptic and antimicrobial ingredients to prevent bacteria colonization which causes bad smell.TYPE OF COAT: suitable to all types of coats, for both dogs and cats.KEY INGREDIENTS: Cajeput essent...
Alkalmas tartás nélküli formát és volument adni a szőrzetnek, felkészítve az ollózásra.A szőrzetből kefével könnyen eltvolítható, nem hagy foltot. Minden szőrtípusra használható.Használati utasítás: Fújja 30-40cm távolságról a kívánt felületre, és kefélje ét a szőrt száradásig a kívánt módon....
Specific treatment for external use ideal for cleaning around the eyes, with a cleansing action, stain remover, soothing and refreshing, minimizes the appearance of spots from excessive tearing
Specific treatment for external use ideal for cleaning around the eyes, with a cleansing action, stain remover, soothing and refreshing, minimizes the appearance of spots from excessive tearing
Suitable for all hair types and all races, dog and cat. Cleansing, calming.KEY INGREDIENTS: extracts of Chamomile and Mallow, vegetable glycerine and water to Floral Witch Hazel Helichrysum. Fragrance free.USE: placing a cotton pad directly on the dispenser of the bottle and press to moisten...
To clean the area around the eyes of the dog and cat, ideal for the removal of eye discharge
To clean the area around the eyes of the dog and cat, ideal for the removal of eye discharge
To clean the area around the eyes of the dog and cat, ideal for the removal of eye discharge, based on Green Tea decongestant, lotus flowers and softening of distilled water Euphrasia soothing , calming and refreshing . The proteins extracted from Moringa seeds restrict the adhesion of pollution and...
A precious heady and elegant fragrance in a sparkling motherof- pearl colour that covers the coat for a sophisticated and glamorous effect.
Notes of Blueberry and Strawberry, Lily, White Musk and Jasmine.
Pearls used in human make-up. ...
All the strength and power of nature embodied in a bottle.Persistent notes of Pine Wood, Fern and White Musk combined with the intensity of Vetiver and Patchouli....
Ideális választás a kölyökkutyák finom szőrzetére vagy érzékeny, irritált, kipirosodott bőrre. A tej és rizsprotein a C+E+Panthenol vitamin komplexel kombinálva mélyen táplálja a szőrt és puhítja a bőrt. A természetes zöld tea, angyalgyökér és méz kivonatok biztosítják a gyengéd védelmet. Alkalmas k...
A ’GLOSSING AND DETANGLING SPRAY’ kimosást nem igénylő, kétkomponensű, koncentrált szőrbontó spray az elhanyagolt, csomós bunda rendbetételére. Ideális hosszú és félhosszú szőrhöz, kondicionál, fényesít és filmbevonatot képez a szőrzeten. Megvédi a szőrt a káros környezeti hatásoktól, mint pl.: a na...
Green clay wrap for sebum production for the care of especially oily, oily skin for dogs and cats
Green clay wrap for sebum production for the care of especially oily, oily skin for dogs and cats
Rich in minerals and trace elements, green clay with its ideal degreasing properties and absorbency contributes to the removal of excess fat and impurities. It has anti-inflammatory, disinfecting, detoxifying and soothing effects, ensures the elasticity of the skin.GREEN CLAY SEBUM CONTROL TREAT...
Speciálisan hosszú és kusza szőrzetre kifejlesztett sampon otthoni használatra, mely alkalmas az összes fajtához, mind a kutyák, mind a macskák esetében. A napraforgómagból kivont fitoceramidoknak (növényi kollagén) és hidrolizált rizsfehérjéknek köszönhetően fényesíti, újraépíti és erősíti a szőrt....
Ultra sweet professional shampoo for dog and cat. Vegan friendly formulation based on natural ingredients suitable for every type of skin and coat and ideal for the most sensitive and delicate skin.
KEY INGREDIENTS: Colloidal Oatmeal, Sweet Almond Oil and Hydrolyzed Rice Proteins. ...
Ultra sweet professional shampoo for dog and cat. Vegan friendly formulation based on natural ingredients suitable for every type of skin and coat and ideal for the most sensitive and delicate skin.
KEY INGREDIENTS: Colloidal Oatmeal, Sweet Almond Oil and Hydrolyzed Rice Proteins. ...
Ultra sweet professional shampoo for dog and cat. Vegan friendly formulation based on natural ingredients suitable for every type of skin and coat and ideal for the most sensitive and delicate skin.
KEY INGREDIENTS: Colloidal Oatmeal, Sweet Almond Oil and Hydrolyzed Rice Proteins. ...
Az ’ODOR CONTROL SHAMPOO’ kifejezetten a piszkos, elhanyagolt és kellemetlen szagú szőrre és bőrre lett kifejlesztve, hogy megvédje a szőrzetet a káros környezeti hatásoktól, mint például a szennyeződés, a füst és az UV-sugárzás. A moringa olaj kivonat antioxidatív hatású, véd a környezeti hatásokka...